parologie. is a service of the Swiss company Pissis Management established in Geneva. Active in the management of real estate assets and investment advice, we are constantly in contact with the main players of the Hellenic real estate market.

As a Swiss-Greek binational, Nicolas Pissis brings over 15 years of experience in finance and project management to his work. With a passion for real estate, the corporate world, and all aspects of business financing, management, and innovation, he has developed a versatile skillset that allows him to manage projects for retail and corporate clients in various industries.

In addition to his project management work, Nicolas advises and manages real estate assets for private investors and corporations. He also has experience as an investment advisor, focusing on sourcing investment opportunities, advising clients, and portfolio management for high-net-worth individuals.

Prior to his advisory roles, Nicolas held analyst and risk management positions at various banks and wealth managers in Switzerland and the UK. He began his career at the Treasury Department of Nestlé, where he gained valuable experience in financial analysis and management.

N. Pissis holds a degree in “Banking, Finance, and Insurance”, as well as two Master's degrees in “Risk Management” and “Economics and Finance” from Université Sorbonne Paris Nord and Université de Genève, respectively.